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Friday, 14 January 2011

Re-lost blog

After much trauma and my patient everloving hubby, I seem to have made some sort of breakthrough and fingers crossed I think I have restored my blog. I am not going to tamper with it yet to pretty it up. I need a few days and a stiff G and T to get over the stress.


  1. Ooh, fingers crossed Yvonne. It's amazing how traumatic it is when something goes wrong with the blog or computer. Get that G & T down you girl!!

  2. I would never manage any of my bloggbg without my techno son, I knew sending him to uni to do a computer degree would pay off

  3. Ew, ugh, we're crossing our fingers with you! Crashes are no fun.

    I recommend Tanqueray -- the bottle is lovely when set in a sunny window, but still nearby, of course. :)

  4. Ohh so pleased Yvonne. Looking forward to your posts again. Much love.
    x Michelle

  5. Yikes...so sorry that happened to you. Hope you get it all sorted out. I lost the first year of my blog and never did get it back, just started new but it felt traumatic ! We trust Blogger so much! Now I back up each post just in case so I'll be able to see what I wrote.

  6. What a disaster Yvonne, hope you get it back to normal soon xx

  7. Ohh thats awful when that happens. hope its up and running soon
    do you live in North east UK ? I just wondered as i do too
    have a great day
    hugs June
